Swathes of darkness are mostly the extent of my childhood memories.
A birthday cake here, a somersault there, not much more.
Since my father’s death my dreams are bringing twisted,
dark pictures that I’m trying to assimilate.
These thoughts, once hidden, now freely fall into my conscious like
rocks precariously perched on a cliff side pummeled
and set free by a sudden downpour.
They fall heavy with pain filling my body,
threatening my very existence.
Yet, I will do this.
My life has been preparation for the unearthing of this dark monster.
And when I have exposed the entirety of the monster
to the light it’s power will wilt.
No longer holding sway over me.
My focus is on the future and the positive that I believe will
come from the work I am doing right now…and always I try to find gratitude for all of the beauty and love I have been shown in this life.