This is an unprecedented time for the world.
Over ten thousand dead in our country
alone in just weeks.
For twenty-five days Pete and I have (mostly) been at home.
We walk, grocery shop (as little as possible), and wait.
Yet, I’m grateful to have a partner that I enjoy spending time with.
Our walking miles have now topped 55.
We live near a trail system that connects to a wilderness area,
so there are a lot of miles to cover.
However, the trail traffic has increased tenfold since this crisis began
so we are mostly walking on our neighborhood streets to keep our distance.
There is plenty of room in our neighborhood.
Big houses with big yards and wide empty streets.
This is not the case for everyone.
Cities teaming with people.
Narrow, crowded streets.
This is a dark and scary time, yet this will pass.
Everything does.
I’m on an emotional rollercoaster.
Sometimes I’m despondent thinking of all the inequalities in the world.
I lay sleepless thinking of the “essential” workers.
The hospital workers. The grocery workers. The migrant farm workers.
Those in India lacking the very soap and water needed to wash their hands.
The single adult struggling with no job and depression…alone.
Then I remind myself to pray.
To see the good that I have in my life.
To see the good that still exist in the world.
This is a dark and scary time, yet this will pass.
Everything does.