Saturday, September 18, 2021

Today I Choose to Focus on How I Feel

The scale is hidden, but I can still sense that the weight 

has not melted away as I expected. 

Damn expectations get me every time.  

After a lifetime of studying the dharma you would think I would know better than to let expectations kick me in the gut, 

but here I stand, arms wrapped around my belly. 

Raging against the lack of progress that I was expecting to see. 


Yet, if I just shift my focus a little to the left, 

I see a strong, healthy woman.

 No longer a number on the scale.


Ten weeks ago I made some changes to my lifestyle. 

I am (mostly) not drinking my beloved wine during the weeknights. 

I got a little out of control with the wine during the

whole covid/work stress thing.

 I have faithfully been taking all the supplements 

recommended by my doctor, a very expensive, 

very experienced female hormone specialist. 

My diet is mostly healthy.

My meditation practice is strong.

I have been wearing my Fitbit religiously.  

Not to brag, but I just earned my London Underground Badge. 

That’s when you reach 250 miles. 

I did it in 9 weeks with an average of 275 minutes in the “zone”...Fitbit uses “zone” minutes to measure how many minutes you 

spend a week helping your heart stay healthy. 

Recommended for my age is 150 minutes. 

Let’s just say I’ve been a little strutty walking around the house 

on Saturday when I see my weekly numbers. 

Since the driving factor was weight loss, 

I’m struggling with disappointment. 

But why? I feel strong and healthy.

I am working on focusing on how I feel, not how much I weigh. 

This has been a lifelong struggle for me, and I’m guessing 

for some of you out there as well. 

Here’s to reminding us to focus on our health and not the scale.

 I figured since I needed this reminder today, 

maybe somebody out there did too.



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