Monday, August 8, 2016

We Must Not Look Away

One of the most difficult things for me in our new hometown is the number of homeless people.
You'll find someone at most of the stop lights here with a sign pleading for help.
I have always felt deeply. When I was younger I employed
an avoidance tactic and I would look away when
I felt the pain of another being.

These days I never look away.
I make eye contact.
I smile.
I wave.
Anything to acknowledge that the person standing next to me exist,
that I see them.

As I drove home from Trader Joe's today there was a man at the light on Tramway. I was starving (the irony of that expression is not lost on me) and had opened a bag of chocolate covered pretzels. I was slowly popping one into my mouth as he walked by.

I waved and read the sign he was carrying “Any food would be appreciated. God Bless you”. I popped another pretzel in my mouth-this one wasn't quite so sweet-and I glanced into my bag to see if there was anything I could give to him. As the light changed he was walking back toward his shopping cart.
He stopped next to the cart filled with his life's belongings,
wrapped his arms around his body, and cried.
I drove home feeling like shit.
How could I pass by another human being in such pain?

I unloaded my groceries and then I made a sandwich. Piling turkey and swiss on fresh grainy bread then I pulled out some lettuce from our veggie keeper and slathered it all with olive oil mayo. I put it into a ziplock and got out a container of fresh pineapple from the fridge. I opened the pantry and found a power bar and added that to the bag of food. Armed with fresh, healthy food I drove back to the light but he was gone. I turned right onto Central Ave and there he was walking with his cart. I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and jogged up the sidewalk to him. I said that I had seen him earlier and that I was sorry he was suffering.
I handed him the bag of food and said eat.

We must not look away from the suffering in the world.

In order to be the change we want to see in the world we must acknowledge that all beings are worthy of our love and attention and act accordingly.