Mina's Avocado Smoothie
1 whole avocado
2 cans Trader Joe's pineapple juice
2 kiwi
Blend and serve, 2 small servings. I sometimes add more pineapple juice to get 3 small servings out of it. I also like to add some plain or vanilla yogurt for a full meal. It travels well too.
1 avocado
1 can tuna, drained
1 Tbl mayo
1/4 lime, squeeze and add juice to mayo
cilantro, to your taste
onion, to your taste
salt and pepper if you like
Mix all the ingredients but the avocado together and then spoon it into the avocado and eat. I eat a half for lunch, Pete needs a whole can and a whole avocado. Easy and healthy!
Avocado smoothies sound delicious!